Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Calibration is the key achievment a young competitive golfer must attain to move into the level of top flight short game skills.  Calibration is the key to effectively become a factor in tournament play.  There is calibration in putting, and calibration in short game skills.  In the next few weeks, I will lay out the steps and practice routines needed to achieve putting and short game calibration.  But the fundamental knowledge skill is calibration.  The pros know that for sure.  Amateurs, even very good college golfers, or others with low digit handicaps often have no clue what calibration is.

Without calibration, the competitive golfer will not be able to push his or her golf game to a consistent level of scoring.  With calibration understood, embraced and incorporated into one's golf game, a golfer's competitive scoring ability can be continualy boosted to move to an elite level of tournament play, whether that be at the local level, the state level or the national amateur level of tournament play. 

Young high school golfers who want to play scholarship golf at a college or university must understand calibration to succeed.  College golfers who want to be the best golfer they can be cannot short cut the process of calibration to move into the elite ranks.

Next week, I will explain what the difference is between short game "feel" and "calibration".  

Monday, December 11, 2023


I have to admit that used to not think David Leadbetter was that good a golf swing teacher, but I  just saw this.  I now have to agree he is a great teacher - because this is one of the absolute key fundamentals of the golf swing.  This is probably the most important swing secret of all.  And it is so basic, and it dispenses with all the band aids and quick/trick fixes.


If you can adopt this movement, your swing fundamentals will be exponentially improved.  You can totally copy a tour swing this way with your own body motion.


Curtis Elliott 

See this link:



Tuesday, December 5, 2023


It is time for a few solid putting thoughts.  This is not about putting practice. I have said it all in another post.  But here are some stroke improvements to consider:

1.    The way to keep your head still while putting is to keep your hips still.

2.     The 100% effective way to cure your yips is very simple.  Without a golf ball and in the comfort of your home, simple practice stroking your putting stroke back and forth as smoothly as you can with very slight acceleration on the down stroke.  Swing your putter back and forth, back and forth, looking solely at your putter blade and watching it square up at impact wiht any hand or wrist motion at all.  Practice this for 5 minutes back and forth like a pendulum each night for at least 3-5 nights a week.  After a couple of weeks, your putting yips or jerks will disappear forever.  Unless you give this a try, please do not argue wiht the solution.

3.    Get your eyes over the putting line for the ball.  Buy a putting mirror and do it.

4.    Propel your putting stroke wiht your rocking shoulders - or rocking sternum.  All else is fluff.


Practice Putting Routines - And Reading A Putt's Break It is very interesting that top pros study the golf practice routines of other to...