Monday, November 27, 2023

Wind Play


The Golf Channel recently published a statistical study that is surprising for most golfers encountering the wind.  Most folks believe 1 or 2 clubs will do it.  But the pros know better and so should you!

In order to be a good player in the wind, you must fully understand how powerful the wind is. The study indicates that for every 10 miles per hour of headwind, you should take at least two (2) extra clubs.  For a headwind of 20 miles per hour, you should take four (4) extra clubs!

The secret to playing in the wind is to not underclub yourself and not swing harder but EASIER than normal.  So when you take 4 extra clubs in a stiff headwind, a smooth three quarter swing should do the trick.

Most golfers over-swing and take vastly too little extra club.  Try taking as much club as you feel you  need to make a smooth three quarter swing, and do not ever again be intimidated by the wind!

Monday, November 6, 2023

Rock Solid Pathway to Putting and Short Game Success

 There are many full golf swing fundamentals - grip, set-up, posture, ball position, balance, takeway, backswing, swing plane, shoulder turn, hip turn, impact, tempo and follow-through - and two or three ideas from expert instructors for each aspect of that.

But, if you are looking for one sure pathway to develop your short game and your putting skills and capabilties to a potentiall world-class elite skill level, the practice routines in Chapters 8 and 9 of my book, "Breakthrough in Golf" are it.

I promise your short game and putting will go to an entire new elite level if you adhere to these practice routines.  These are fantastic practice routines for young golfers in high school or college who really want to build top in class scoring skills, and who have the time to work on their golf games!

These two chapters are perfect for the competitive young golfer who truly wants to build a first class short game and putting ability.  You will amaze yourself at how good you can become!


Practice Putting Routines - And Reading A Putt's Break It is very interesting that top pros study the golf practice routines of other to...